The last recipe I tried (that was way back before our trip) was called "Sticky Monkey Brains"...terrible name, but oh, beyond scrumptious! It was way too delicious. We found out too late that it's one of those things that needs to be eaten fresh, because after a couple of days, it became too sickly sweet to eat. But oh, the first few hours after they came out of the oven tasted like pure bliss. It would be a great dessert for when you have a lot of people over, or like today in Canada, GREY CUP day (football, football and more football!) We have our granddaughter's piano recital this afternoon, but I daresay that the moment we get back in the house that TV will be on the game. But alas, no monkey brains.

Here's the link for that one:
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)