You're probably asking whether we have a worship service that's like a church service. Well, yes and no.
First of all, we have a new calendar that's 19 months of 19 days. The first day of the month is the "19-Day Feast" which can be any day of the week (since 7 doesn't go into 19!) The day starts at sundown of the evening before. The Feast can happen any time after that, or on the following day.
The Feast opens with a devotional portion where we read from Baha'u'llah's writings and prayers and also have music. We don't ever say prayers in unison, so the reader reads and others listen, maybe with eyes closed. This portion of the Feast is generally meditative and loving.
Whoever is hosting the Feast that month is responsible for selecting and assigning the readings and the music. Around here we meet in individual homes.
Even though it's called a Feast it's not like Thanksgiving or anything. After the devotional portion, there's a business portion, where the community consults on whatever concerns they have. Then the food is at the end of the meeting, and it can be simple or elaborate, again, depending on who's hosting it, and what the culture is of the area.
Also, individuals sometimes host regular Devotional Gatherings just to get together to say prayers with friends and neighbors. At such gatherings, they also have prayers from other religious traditions. But I wouldn't call this a Baha'i worship service.
There's another principle, too, in the Baha'i Faith about worship -- and that is that work, when done in the spirit of service, is equal to worship. Though of course this is personal, not congregational.