I'll skip to the ending first. I was NOT mad invited to be a permanent member.

Now here's the rest of the story, from the beginning:

1. Jurying day, the gallery director "P" sent me an email saying "we close at 4, make sure to pick up your work by then." The person to whom I left my jewelry with, "W" said, "be sure to pick up your work by 4." Hubbo and I drove down and arrived 3:30. The gallery was closed. (This was actually at their other gallery location. This will make more sense of #4.)

When I later asked about what had happened, W said "Ask P." P said, "I wasn't sure if you'd be there." Has anyone heard of a telephone? I know it's a rather new invention, but...

2. two days later I got the email, "congrats! You've been accepted!" I had less than 2 days to plan, install & inventory.

3. when I juried, I brought in 7 pieces from $17-$135, to show both my price and stylistic range. When I was installing, I gave the inventory list to "A" to put in their computer. A, who had been one of the judges, complained that I had too many low-price items. BTW, the jewelry was priced $15-$225. Then P sauntered by and said "we really don't want anything in that price range." P & A agreed that over $40 is preferred, but if I had a few items in the $30s "that would be OK for now" but if I was accepted as a permanent member, I'd have to show $40 & up. I said Fine.

Question: since 2 out of 7 juried items were under $30, why wasn't I told about the price requirement THEN?

4. A said "I really liked a certain necklace and it isn't here." P agreed. A asked where the necklace was. I said, "It's at the other gallery, which was closed when you said it would be open." Silence.

5. A few days later, I got a nasty-gram email from W saying that "We are not Walmart, and we don't have cheap items in our display." Plus some other stuff, all pretty mean. I wrote back, saying that I'd remove all the lower-priced items. A few days later, I drove down to the gallery and took out 11 of 47 pieces.

6. then I was called in for work training via email, with less than 24 hours notice. I wasn't supposed to be called in for training unless I was accepted as permanent. So if I wasn't being accepted, then what all was that about?

7. While I was there for training, W came in and said, "I see you removed those items." I said, "I told you I would." He said, "I didn't know if you would do it." Then he's going on about "you might want to look at the portfolios and see what to do."

8. October 29 I still hadn't heard from anyone about when to come in to pay my check, sign the contract, etc. so I emailed. 2 days later, November 1, I got an email from P saying "we've decided not to offer you a permanent position. Your prices are too low. If you have more pieces appropriate to our gallery, please come in to the next jurying. Please remove your jewelry..." SLAM.

9. Since my contract was up THAT DAY, I had to come in THAT DAY. A & W were in the gallery and I really didn't want to talk to anyone. Just get my stuff and get out of there. They kept trying small chitchat. Please. When I was ready to leave, they each said that my prices were too low, they really liked that one piece, blahblah, "You really have to come to the next jurying." HUH???

I said as calmly as possible (and it was not easy being calm, I probably looked like I was going to cry, I'm sure) that the piece everyone loved would've been in the gallery had anyone actually thought to be at the other gallery when they said they would -- or at least call; that they would've gotten the prices they wanted had anyone actually thought to tell me "we like a,b, & c, but d & e are below our price range" -- because my prices were MARKED for jurying; and that I had worked all month to make a whole new collection of large expensive pieces and they had been ready to install that day.

Then A and W both apologized several times for their lack of communication skills and said I should jury again.

I went back to my car and cried.

I had a craft fair the next day so I drove home to get ready. The following (last) weekend, I had my biggest craft fair of the season (which btw was good) so I busied myself getting ready for that. I was very, very upset for a few days but I'm OK now.

I jumped through every hoop they set in front of me. I did everything they asked, sometimes on very short notice. I had all new merchandise, I had my portfolio half done. And that wasn't good enough?? And I'm supposed to jury again because??? (And I'm beginning to think "please jury again" is the gallery equivalent of "let's have lunch.")

Dear Gallery: Thank you, but I've already jumped through that hoop. That hoop, and way too many other hoops in way too short a time. I gave it my best. If it wasn't good enough the first time, why should I think that it will be any better next time?

Hubbo thinks I should write them a nastygram telling them why I won't show up for the next jurying. I think my absence will say everything. Provided anyone even notices.

I gave it my best, and to me, that was good enough.
My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist