LOL, I am seeing the happy dance! Thank you. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Dotsie, how long has it been since I've been this size? Oh my gosh, YEARS!! Years and Years ago. I was this size (14) back in 94, and then I went to a weightloss clinic and lost a ton of weight and went down to a size 8. I stayed about an 8-10 for a couple of years,(You should have seen me, roller blading, playing tennis, riding a motorcycle) but then I got sick and was diagnosed with Grave's Disease (a thyroid disorder). Each year after that my weight went up and up and up. So, on it's way up to a 22 (which I was when I started our diet) I was a 14 during 99, probably. Most of the weight gain was due to lack of exercise and medications. My doctor said that once I was medically "stable" he would address the weight gain. In between, I was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) and Degenerative Disk Disorder. Both in the lumbar area, which cut out exercise completely. Then I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression (chemically induced - meds I was on for Grave's Disease caused it)and was put on meds that shot my weight up. Surprisingly, with my latest diagnosis of Bipolar, I have found a combination of meds that are actually making it easier to lose weight.

Being depressed in itself had a lot to do with the weight gain. Nothing like being fat to bring a person down. [Razz] [Wink]

Dotsie, your BWS diet forum has been the best thing to ever happen to me when it comes to losing weight. Being held accountable and having to post my food intake each day forces me to be good. Otherwise, I would never have so much self control. It also helps that I'm not depressed like I was before and have a better outlook on life. Life isn't so bleak and dark anymore.

Just knowing that I have friends here on BWS makes all the difference. I really feel your support and know in my heart that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it as far as I have.

You are truly special people. Every single one of you. -sniff sniff- And you like me, you really like me -- (okay, so I stole that part from Sally Field's Oscar speech.) [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Razz]