Excellent input, greatly appreciated. JJ, Curves is a monthly bill that I cant really afford. Every month my income varies. So, to add another constant bill would kill me when/if things plunge. I asked this question because I am planning on putting the item on layaway at Walmart (granted they let me and it's too much to purchase outright). So, since both 'close hangers' are out of the question, I wanted the opinions to base my purchase on.

That's so true about the inexpensive ways to exercise; water bottles, cans, ect. I guess I forgot how to be 'low income.' Thanks for reminding me. Maybe I just need the motivation of seeing this big space hogging 'close hanger' planted in front of my tv set. Maybe I just need an excuse not to exercise until I can afford equipment.

Hmmm, these are some pretty deadly excuses, huh? I think I'll start the marching, dancing and conducting. That's sounds fun. Maybe I can get some body length mirrors to make it a comedy show as well. [Razz]
