Hi Gims...I guess by now you have met with your nurse practitioner. How'd it go? I know you have no gallbladder, but now you are having problems digesting certain foods.

The aging process may play into this, but there are other considerations as well.

Whenever I have GI issues which cause a great deal of pain, I go to my trusted health care professional (primary care physician in my case) and get a referral to a GI specialist.

A few years ago I was having major dull pains after eating and my PCP said, "Get your GB out." I ddn't believe him until I was eventually in agony after every meal. Finally, I went to a GI Specialist who did testing and sure enough, it was my gallbladder. lol We nurses make the worst patients!

But you have no GB, so I'm semi-clueless. I'll say a prayer you find a resolution soon. Please keep us posted.

Josie smile