Okay Miss M. I know your imagination is more fertile than that. What can I do? I'm not totally sick of monkeys yet and all my friends will be so unhappy if I eliminate them. I'm pretty sure I'm their only monkey outlet and they all seem to love buying them for me. Lord only knows what I'll do with all these little apes, but...

I kind of like Easter bunnies, but the kitchen might begin to look like a nursery. I've thouight of using purple and doing lilacs or grapes or maybe a whole bunch of fruits and maybe make it real frilly, but the den is so lived in. I've also considered the very sleek danish type modern chrome and black stuff. Decisions...

What to do, what to do? Come on boomer women give me some ideas..

And Todd where are you???? You're the kitchen expert here. Let's have some ideas. Great ones!

[ February 18, 2004, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]