There is a single woman at my church.I noticed she was missing many Sundays in a row.In fact thought she may have moved o found a beau..she is always looking she says!
I saw her at the shopping mall and asked how she was and said I had missed her.
She has taken a second job at the weekend to make more money.She said she could not afford to buy enough food.
the single person does not have half the living expenses..nor are two having the use of the heating.
First chance I will ask her for supper..without it appearing I am being patronising.So I will wait for Halloween and build it from there.Cant ask her at the weekend she is working seven days.

I was at a boot sale while ago.I buy plants there often.She had a table where her clothing and craft items were on sale.My heart turned over ..she had everything so pristine..said she was clearing I suspect she was having problems.
So Anne I do understand and like EW and Humlan felt concern..
Mountain ash