I should nevah have made that crack about Queenie (sofa, chocolates, Monk)...in the next couple of weeks I'm worried more about "spread" than "curves". I feel down the *last*! step two days ago and banged myself up pretty well. Sprained the left ankle, twisted the right knee and jammed my back.

Right now, I'm slathered with blue emu oil, wrapped up with ace bandages and laced up with an ankle wrap. Oh, no chocolates but I do have an ice cold Harp's beside me. I'm one of those cheap dates, two beers and I'm needing a pillow .

I'm still feeding the critters though. Went outside this afternoon and took some really cute photos of the sheep and lambs. We're supposed to get snow and below zero wind chills tomorrow so today was a gift.

Curves...not for a while.