All of your posts are so true. Jawjaw I know what you mean about lies. I watch THE AVERAGE JOE reality show and so far the girl has picked the hunk over the poor average shmoe, oops meant Joe. I ask myself why these men allow themselves to be made fun of and made to look like misfits...Go figure....Would any of you allow yourself to be on a show called say: My Big Fat Wife To Be???? I wouldn't and I am still big and fat...Which ever one of you said its ALL about the money is right on. Stupid, sickening and for the money. But you know what WE are the reason they succeed, we watch them. [Roll Eyes] I was mesmerized by Average Joe and never missed a show, call me crazy and I make sure my Thursday night is free so I can watch SURVIVORS, so ladies I am guilty, guilty but I need a good laugh sometimes too. [Big Grin]