Thanks so much for the kind thoughts. The digital mammography of today is much easier on the technician and certainly takes better pictures, but the pain of being squeezed for a half dozen "special views" was not so hot.

The stereotactic biopsy, especially with needles going directly into the nipple/areola area, is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. The one I had in the hospital in 2002 was also psychological nightmare, so I'm trying hard not to think about this one coming up.

Commercial thermography centers are springing up everywhere, and I saw a link for the few which are considered reputable. The Mayo Clinic thinks it is a useful adjunct to mammogram, but not something to be used in place of it.

After having a regular mammogram, a series of special mammograms, and a breast ultrasound, I am convinced by the reports that what is being shown by these tests, needs to be evaluated further. And as far as I know, the only way to do the ultimate evaluation is by stereotactic biopsy or surgical extraction. If anyone knows of anything else, I'd be very interested in knowing about it. I HATE invasive procedures!!!!
Josie smile