I'm a hard-core weightlifter, mostly free weights in a co-ed gym. I currently bench press 125 and leg press maybe 360. After my selling season is over (two weeks to go!!!! [Big Grin] ) I start on day hikes through the local hills and low mountains. I seriously doubt any of you want to know more details [Roll Eyes]

Of course, I also teach my exercise class for cancer survivors, which is at a much lower intensity. However, I need to say that several of the women have lost up to 30 lbs. since starting, and everyone is soooo much stronger and has a lot more energy!

Myself? I'm on an anti-estrogen drug called Tamoxifen, which packed on 9 mystery lbs. in my first two months of it, 5 years ago. How do I know that Tamoxifen was the cause of my weight gain? Because in the previous 18 years since I graduated from high school, I had gained only 5 lbs. total and I'm sure it was all muscle. Some women gain up to 50 lbs. in their first 6 months. Evil stuff, but it's allegedly keeping me alive. Since then, I've stabilized my weight (sort of) by cutting my calorie intake by at least 1/3. Even if I starve -- I've done up to 4 days @ under 500 calories, to see if it would work -- the minute I eat, the weight is back. Pisses me off, because I don't think there's anything I can do about it. So I keep working out, eat my veggies, and realize here are worse things in life.