Oh come on queen. A root canal instead of exercising? You must not have had the dentist of my youth. [Eek!] [Mad] He pulled teeth without numbing ya! He'd dig out decay and fill a whole the size of your mouth withuot using ANYTHING for pain. I'm surprised I didn't break the arms off the chair. Bad memories!

Okay, so you've all heard my poor sob story about how my walking partner moved away. I have kept it up and walk with different women on occasion. I have one regular walking partner and that's on Fridays...(my favorite day to walk now because of her). Something to look forward to. [Big Grin]

I'm trying to figure this exercise/age/weight thing out and here's the latest: my daughter and I joined Curves. Last night was our first work-out and we really liked it. We think it will be especially good for her Diabetes.

For those of you who don't know about it, it's a no frills gym for women only (just my style). There is a circuit of equipment and in between each piece of equipment is a pad to jump around/dance on and then you hop on the next piece. The music is going (oldies) and every so many seconds they tell you to move on. You do the circuit twice in a half hour, stretch a little and then you are on your way.

It's also pretty social(which I love). The equipment is in a circle so we are all facing one another and commenting, chatting, laughing, and talking about the left over Halloween candy! And I didn't start that conversation either. [Wink]

If you are looking for a way to get in shape and there's one near you, check it out. It's fast and fun.