I just started the Atkins diet on Monday. I am a carbohydrate ADDICT. 3 years ago I found the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet by Heller and Heller. I had 100 lbs to loose and over a year lost 50! Great. Then I got stuck, for a whole year. I was at one of those"set points" I had hit after the birth of my 3rd child. Then last year I continued on the diet but cheeted. Guess what, I got off that "stuck" and of course gained 20 lbs. It was a diet easy to do anyones life because you ate vegys and protein for breakfast and lunch and then for 60 minutes at dinner you ate your dinner and could include the 5 breads recommended per day and the 3 servings of fruit and your milk or alcoholic drink. You must stick with the 60 min. The theory being you only raised your blood sugar during that one hour every 24. You were also allowed any dessert you desired so you never felt deprived. Now I've started Adkins and wow is that restrictive. I love my multigrain breads and fruit all that are supposed to be good for you physically in moderation and I am a chocoholic. So wish me luck. My hope is that I can loose 30 lbs on this, down to 160 and then back to the CHD for the other 40 lbs, as it seems to fit my life better. I will be strict with it not like the past year. You can't even have caffein. Help. I am also trying to make myself exercise religiously. One good side effect so far, my fasting blood sugar this morning was 76!(i am a type 2 diabetic, diet controlled), yesterday was 84. Had been 95-105 normally, my last A1C on CHD was 4.9, super for anyone. My doctor had been very pleased. Now I guess I must be careful and watch for low blood sugar. Go figure. Not sure what I will do if that is the case since I'm not allowed orange juice or glucose tabs with the Adkins diet. I'll let you know how I progress.