Josie's Friday Ramblings.....

The Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention were obviously slanted to emphasize their positives and play down their negatives.

What you saw is what was planned for you to see.

And so it is with the media and many other aspects of daily living, like textbooks.

This morning's Fox News had as its guest, a conservative University of Dayton Professor, who wrote a book entitled, "48 Liberal Lies About American History." Take a look: ",2933,421084,00.html
I'm sure there are a number of liberal Professors who can find as many "conservative lies" in textbooks, used mostly by private schools.

ABC News edited the Charlie Gibson interview with Governor Sarah Palin, so it could be presented a certain way. I did not know this until other TV journalists pointed out that the completely unedited version showed a different slant on certain issues.

My point is: Though I know bias is universal, I like to know both sides of the coin. I worked overtime to send my son to private school for many years so he could learn more about God, country and personal accountability as was practiced in our home. When he was old enough, he attended public school so he could experience a much more diverse society.

I went through the same experience. My first day in public school, a history teacher admonished the class for laughing at me, because I stood up in respect as the teacher entered the room. I soon adapted to my new surroundings in order not to be considered "weird."

Now having experienced both sides of the coin for almost 6 decades, I'm a product of both. I do not want either politcal party telling me I have to accept its total party's platform, which to me is total nonsense. I consider myself a moderate (leaning toward the right) and by no means an extremist in either direction.

I like knowing I am a protector of unborn men, women and special children. I like that I am compassionate about immigration reform. I like pledging allegiance to the USA under God, and saying grace before meals, even in restaurants. I like supporting our troops in more than name only. I like democracy and the free expression of ideas. I like small government and am for the working class keeping as much of what they earn as possible. I like respecting the Office of the President (even if I do not like the person in that office.) I like that I can volunteer in my community to give back some of what has been given to me.

I hope some of this makes sense this morning. It's Friday, and I made the coffee too strong. lol

PS: Since we are each telling a bit about work histories: I was grocery shopping at age 4, finding apartments for my family at age 9, worked in a bank sorting keypunch cards at age 12, worked in a bakery at age 15, started working full time at the phone company at age 16, etc etc etc. My husband picked cotton at age 7 and joined the military at age 16 (he lied about his age)....Like most of you, we know what it is like to sweat. Like some of you, we know what it is like to go hungry. (Which in hindsight is a good thing. Because we now appreciate EVERY meal we can afford in this great country of ours.)

Knock on wood, we will always be healthy enough to earn our own way, even if it means cleaning someone else's toilet.
Josie smile