Originally Posted By: dancer9
To some, it means a great deal and says something about the person/canidate. The fish means much to some Christians. I feel both are ways for people to idenify themselves to their tribe.

Well said, Dancer. And, that has always been its purpose. At the same time, I must admit, it's use can also be misused by some.

They are tribal symbols that bond people in the world which they might feel is frightening. I believe it is for a feeling of safety that people put so much emphasis on these symbols.

For Americans living abroad, our accents and passports also identify us. There was a time in the '80's, at the height of the militant PLO activities, when accent and travelling on a US passport were not safe for some. The TWA and Achille Lauro were two prominent incidents of that time. Do I feel safer now? Yes, but perhaps, only because security concerns are far better after 9/11 and 7/7.