Gims: You DO NOT come across as "stupid," to use your word. You have a very keen common sense. I cannot tell you how many people I've met along the way, a few who have written scientific textbooks, who trip over their shoelaces and have no clue about everyday people and their lives. Some live in a narrow minded fishbowl surrounded by dusty journals and motheaten curtains. (All BWS people are excluded from this group, of course)

I will never forget a nursing instructor with a Masters degree who was trying to show her students how to properly place a bedpan under a patient. As I was passing by, I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was misplacing the bedpan backwards, which was why the patient had been complaining. lol

All of us are learning....every day. But common sense is either there, or it isn't. And you have it in spades!!!!
Josie smile