Originally Posted By: DJ
.... Their USA is starting to look very different from the one that I grew up loving.......but I think that has all been eroding right before our eyes.
This erosion of their (and our) USA started while (and before) we were growing up loving it.

Originally Posted By: DJ
All in all what I've learned is more dire than I'd anticipated.
Common sense has alerted some of us, for years, that things aren't working for the good of the common wo/man. The snowball coming down the hill has been obvious for anyone who had/has their eyes and ears open. More important, we've allowed it AND been part of it.

Originally Posted By: jabber
Big business owns the media because big business is the only
outfit that can afford large-scale advertisements!
Originally Posted By: DJ
The problem is that Corporations control ALL the media (radio, TV, books, recording companies, movie companies, textbooks, magazines, billboards...and the same companies own amusement parks, baseball teams, movie theaters etc.).
Shouldn't this read more like: The major media are all owned by corporations, which contract with government - government being the go or stop point.
Point to remember: corporations and governments are made up of 'people.'
How many of us buy shares in these corporations that make profits, after lobbying and having protective laws passed? How many of us wouldn't take advantage of asking a favor of a friend or family member of a corporation or government if we felt it would promote a personal cause?
We, the people, watch TV - how often do we let them know what they do is not to our liking?
We, the people, listen to radio - how often do we let them know what they do is not to our liking?
We, the people, read the books and other printed materials, listen to the recordings, go to the movies and ballgames... how often do we rebel against what we're fed?
We, the people, buy stock - how often do we vote in shareholder matters?
We, the people, empower them by handing them money through every outlet.
Another question: Aren't broadcast networks licensed by the public, not 'owned' by corporations?

Originally Posted By: DJ
There are 5-6 of them TOTAL in the world that own most of this. Corporations are huge businesses....
This statement makes it too simplistic... there's more to it than this, but there's no way to put all in one post without timing out multiple times.

Originally Posted By: DJ
.... They do not care about you or me. They want laws (all over the world) that help them keep their power, and they want to get rid of laws that threaten it.
We, the consumers, are their bottom line. We, the shareholders, are their beneficiaries and their investment dollars. So, in a profitable way, they do care about us. Corporate legislation protects small corporations, as well.

Originally Posted By: DJ
They treat democrats and republicans the same and lobby them equally.
... and there is probably a proportionate number of Dems and Reps on corporate boards and the same for active shareholders. It would be interesting to see honest results of a study done on the political affiliations of each and every major corporate head, board member and shareholder... even more interesting to learn how they truly feel about you and me.

Originally Posted By: DJ
2. Corporations prefer that we, the public, be passive. They want us to buy things, but they don't really want us to act as citizens because citizens think and act and make laws to control and contain them. The solution: We the public need to recognize our collective power. We need to hold these corporations accountable.
What better way than to live beneath our means, and not buy, buy, buy? Does it not stand to reason that we are the corporations, whether we like it or not, by way of financing their empowerment?

Originally Posted By: DJ
Lots of other issues are secondary, like what do journalists do, and what party the individual journalists belong to, and what their particular feelings and opinions are. They aren't the enemy. Essentially, journalists are on our side. There's great difficulty finding real, decent, true information. It shouldn't be so hard, but it is. But the "other party" isn't out to get you.
It's not as simple as this. Journalist are more apt, than not, to speak the words of the 'corporation' they work for. My reasoning question is, if the corporations are primarily 'republican, major power brokers,' why do major media have a primarily liberal slant, esp. if the way things are going now are beneficial to them too? In truth from my reasoning, neither party has altruistic fundamentals. We should not unconditionally trust any party.... after all they are made up of 'people' just like corporations and governments.

Originally Posted By: DJ
The corporate world is (and spend a lot of time trying to buy politicians). Look around you and start asking yourself what the world looks like, and what it could look like: Big ugly big box stores everywhere, cheap goods from China, Americans out of work. How can little neighborhoods fight against development when a huge corporation comes to town?
We, the people, let it happen. We, the people, have bought ourselves into this, our state of affairs.

As I've said before, I believe our interpretation and evaluation of what we hear and see is the big problem. Education is the key. But, there's a big BUTIF in the middle of that...

These are my opinions...