BIG business was once someone's small business which eventually grew into the great American dream for them. I do not begrudge anyone their personal success story.

As an example, Cindy McCain's parents initially sold everything they owned to get $10,000 to start their own business, which now is worth a fortune.

Broadbrushing big business as bad to me seems like a form of socialism. I believe fully in capitalism, where people do what they want with the companies they privately grew. I do NOT believe our government should bail out faltering PRIVATE companies. I do not believe our government should have much to say about the running of any PRIVATE company, except where it comes to the safety and protection of its employees (like child labor laws). More extensive laws should certainly protect public companies to protect stockholders, which include pensions, life savings and even money invested by individuals working at low wage jobs.

Big government is what scares me. Right now we have more entitlement policies which perpetuate individual & corporate poor decision making. What ever happened to ethics and personal accountability? The working middle class is clearly disgusted with their pockets being picked again and again to support poor decision making. To be clear, I am NOT talking about disabled vets, the aged, the truly handicapped or the victims of disasters.

Yes, mortgage companies and credit card companies should be held accountable for extending credit to people who have not demonstrated creditworthiness. These companies should NOT be bailed out by the government. And those who accept such credit and then get into payment difficulty should not be bailed out by the government.

Our government is not here to be Big Daddy, but that is just what is has become. And more is planned for the future. THAT is scary!!!

We live in a country where some who describe themselves as "poor," are obese from too much take-out food. My single young adult nephew and his 2 girlfriends and their seven children receive all kinds of government assistance and none of these adults work for a living. I was raised in a tenement projects and I still have family ties to the kids of some I was raised with, now grown up and receiving their own government checks. One liberal poster said I was passing on urban legend. Wow! He/she has no idea how many collect government checks who are young, able-bodied, and able to work. They can afford cigarettes and beer, but they cannot afford medicine, housing or food for themselves or their children.

So IF they vote, they'll vote for the one who will pay for their personal needs, so they can have money for their personal WANTS.

I see a need for much government reform. There is far too much wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars. I think both Democrats AND Republicans should forbid lobbying period. But NEITHER side will do it because of the personal benefits to the legislators who depend on them. Lobbyists spent tens of millions of dollars wooing both parties at each convention. Obama stayed out of it. McCain said he did not condone it. Neither side made loud negative noise about it.

It's not about big business. It's about big government and poor choices by an ever increasing number of GOVERNMENT legislators and PRIVATE individuals who feel entitled to "free" material things they have not earned...
Josie smile