Originally posted by smilingthrulife:
Originally posted by Dotsie:
Anyone in here done the Atkins Diet?
"hahahah I will figure out how to reply here sooner or later....I've been on the Adkins diet and it made me sick....I like eating carbs and it made me miss them very much. Yes you can lose the weight quickly but if you don't continually watch your carb intake you can quickly gain it back and then some....I know...cause I've done it"

One of my sisters has had tremendous success with it. She has lost 85 pounds. When she first started the diet and lost twentysome punds she joked about having lost a toddler. Now she has lost another person!

There was a time when it wasn't looked upon by the medical profession as a healthy diet because of all the fat. Recently the medical profession is changeing that and the news is out that it really is healthy.

A doctor friend of mine said that is how Dr. Atkins died. He heard about all the latest studies and was thrilled with the affirmation his diet was getting so he was jumping up and down on the ice and fell and banged his head. [Eek!]