Vicki, hon, I think this is great. We all should feel good about ourselves and if this is preventing you from doing that, it will be theraputic as well and cosmetic! You sound as if you will allow yourself to enjoy life more, like going to the beach, etc! Hooray.

Your surgeon is key. I've had SO many sugeries in my life, I've lost count. It is all in the surgeon. Meet the surgeon and if there is one iota of mistrust on your part, seek another surgeon.

Other good tips are that a surgeon is on top of his game in the early morning surgeries. Surgeons love to operate and when they come in for the day they are ready and able and wired! ( I know this from my close friend, a doctor.)
Look that surgeon in the eye and ask:
Will you stay with me throughout this procedure no matter what?
If the surgeon promises this, he/she must keep her word and make sure you are fine throughout your healing or in any case! Bond with your surgeon, and try to break through that sort of dissociation that surgeons have.

Have a great surgery and congratulations on a "me," decision that is good for you!
We all need to make those from time to time, if not every day!

I'm proud to know you!


"Question your privilege"