Interesting, Josie.
I shot off an email to CNN today, after watching a review on Obama, McCain and the Veep picks. While CNN commentators were doing the Dem side they were cutting up and laughing (in a good way, even though they pointed out some of BO and Biden's faux pas). Then when they were presenting the GOP side, they were straight faced and serious. I honestly believe it was intentional... giving viewers a suggestive and negative mental implant.

Originally Posted By: DJ
Gims, To me, how we get information is the biggest issue. I'm sorry you aren't interested in discussing it. As far as the candidates, other than dissecting the way we talk about them I'm not going to take sides in these forums (i.e., I'm not interested in getting into a discussion about who are the better candidates). Are you asking me whom I support or what? Or what issues are you referring to? I feel like you're picking on me for some reason. Why are you singling out my comments? Am I missing something here?

To me how we interpret and evaluate the information is one of the bigger issues. So, we differ in opinion. I respect that. I may be the only one who wants to hear what others have read and heard about the candidates - as much as possible and whether good or bad. Even want to hear how each feels about what they've read and heard. No matter where we get the information, we still have to mentally digest it, which is a personal thing. I'll admit, right here and now, I felt as if you were calling me out, when you referred to my comment and some shared feelings about liberal biased reporting being 'poppycock.' (re:post #159051)
I, for one, am not asking anyone to share which candidate they think is better. But, I would like to hear what everyone is thinking about each of the four - information gathering, before making a decision. If I'm leaning a certain way and it's the worst of the ways to lean, something someone has to say might correct my leaning... I'd count that as a blessing. This election is so important.
I apologize if anything I've written is/was bothersome.