I've been working forever and a day...long hours, endless stress... I've been trying to cut down... It seems impossible. In the last four years I've had four jobs and it seems there is more stress with each one.

So the issue of job-share came up...I interviewed two women who are looking for exactly the same thing...you work three days a week and so does the other individual and you have one cross-over day where you can share and pass off information. I am in the field of finance.

I tried to look up "job-share" on the internet and everything came back from Europe...it is not well-known in Canada (and likely not in the US).

For us women who would like to work a bit less but still be in the workforce, this would be ideal. The recruitment agency I deal with said "we don't do that". I told them..."well you had better start thinking about it because I think it is the wave of the future".

In my current company it would not fly...guess why...the men were against it. Men who would not dream of staying five minutes late to get anything finished and who generally don't do much in the first place and can't understand the concept of being stressed. I was told I have to prove how much work there is... I told them "we are not adding a person", we are just splitting the job into two parts..." In my opinion, a company would actually gain (two brains and additional experience for the price of one). But no...a radical concept that seems to be difficult to understand.

I decided I am not proving how much work there is...I am not fighting that battle...so I quit.

There is so much progress out there but in some areas...life is still really archaic. I think women have to demand what they want...we are after all, no longer in the dark ages.

Comments, anyone?

"The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." Lucille Ball

"Cosmetics is a boon to every woman, but a girl's best friend is still a near-sighted man." Yoko Ono