DJ, GMA is Good Morning America (CBS morning news+… Dianne & Robin) And Jabber they are worth watching.

Josie... couldn't have said it better!
Both sides have biased reporting (there's no such thing as unbiased reporting, anyway)... right mostly on talk radio, while left has the TV angle... but you can find both on radio and TV... both have their internet and print sources...
If you use your unbiased intuition, you'll see/hear where the biases lay... it may take some practice.

You have to remember Wikipedia is publicly written, and can be modified by any approved contributor. Per Wikipedia, it is a “free content encyclopedia project” and “is written collaboratively by volunteers from all around the world.” Some high schools and colleges won’t allow it to be used as a referenced source.

Yonuh, you made an excellent point : “As far as the so-called 'hot-button' issues like abortion and gay marriage; I believe these are distractions from the major issues...” These effect a handful, while the other issues you mentioned effect the greater part of the whole. I believe abortion and gay marriage issues should be taken to a state level. An aside: I’m inclined to believe education would do better under state by state total administration.

I think there use to be an extreme liberal bias, esp. on TV. It seems of late (most obvious during this election) each news group has been trying to (or making a show as if they are trying to) temper their coverage with what Fox News takes claim to – balanced and fair reporting. The old adage applies, however, “what’s in the heart comes out of the mouth.” If a listener is tuned in, determined to find truth(*), s/he can hear and see what they need to.
(*To add, what is one wo/man’s truth, may be another’s untruth. There is nothing that can be proven to be true except what we are experiencing this very minute. Even the words I’m typing right now cannot be ‘proven’ one way or another to you... they are my truth at this moment in time. Your interpretation at the time of reading this is your truth at the moment in time. ---
Recorded history is negated, contradicted, and questioned as time marches on. Predictions for the future can't be truth until they happen. Truth is now.)

To answer Dotsie's question:
TV - I watch programs on PBS, CSPAN, CNN, CBS, a little ABC… use to watch Fox News, but don’t get it anymore (miss it).

Internet – all over the place… Yahoo News is my homepage, but I have feeds from
Hanlon's Razor lib
Huntington Post lib
TalkingPoints lib
Drudge Report cons
PJ Media cons
even though there is no such thing as unbiased reporting/commenting, here might be some close tries:
The Nation
SourceWatch/Congresspedia (yes, wiki fam)

Don't do radio or print... unless in car or in some waiting room and something is available.... internet is more up to the minute.

There is absolutely no way to read/hear everything... that's why forum discussions like this are so worth it.

I'll stick this in one more time... body language

My opinions