Originally Posted By: Renee
Love reading everyone post on this thead and some good thoughts. I did want to say my final message on Palins speech . She mention that if McCain is elected she will make sure that the special needss Children will be taken care of . I was inpressed my this also. We had down syndrome child across the street when my daugher was little and I taught her to repect him and be kind to him . He would come over and play with her at time . Kids would tease him and one day they took his basketball away from him . A lot of training and help that goes into helping these people for they need group homes to go to when the parent dies and their is no one else to care for them . Some of us maybe have a special needs child or know of someone who has one . My neighbors boy died several years ago and we all miss him .

My hubby and I watched MaCain's speech and thought it was very well done I like MaCain and always did . Didn' mean to repeat myself .

Some really good opinions here .



God bless your neighbor's boy now in heaven, Renee. I very muched loved the Down's kids I met as a child at our local parochial school, where they met on weekends to play sports. I remember thinking that they looked different, and they sure acted different toward me than those seemingly "normal-acting" kids who made fun of my big nose or raggedy clothes.

Down's kids are a very special kind of people, because they know how to show love better than most other humans put together.

In this day where perfectionism is frequently about superficial outside beauty, I'm so glad we have people like Governor Palin around to remind us that loving and shielding special babies from harm is a deep form of love not unlike what God has given to children like her son "Trig."

Along with the Kennedys and many millions of others, I support Special Olympics and all programs designed to empower special needs children and adults.

We all can learn so much from the many colorful and different flowers God has made.....
Josie smile