Thank you for supplying this information, DJ. I'm sure you mean well. I've seen several other similar versions written by "a private housewife," being passed around online. I have no idea whose campaign idea this is.

I have no doubt that upon authentic confirmation, any real facts will be headlined by every national & global media resource available. Joe Biden (who lives near me) will be grilling her about her alleged ruthlessness and sleazy tactics during the national debate. (He keeps his own really dirty laundry Delaware-local and within the DC-Beltway. The liberal media has no problem with this, as they had no problem helping John Edwards keep his secret while running for President.)

The vicious "US" magazine article (owned by Rolling Stone and major supporter of Obama) and other smear tactics about Governor Palin's personal life, sink to the bottom of the barrel in my opinion.

This feels like more political business as usual: Destroy the competition by any means necessary.
Josie smile