Originally Posted By: Anne327
B4 I write this, my apologies to anyone who will be offended....and I am sure many will be.

Palin believes in "abstinence only" taught in schools, yet her own daughter is 5 months along.....how ironic. This is simply not realistic. I thought she was unafraid of offending the Republican party, and a "maverick", but if this issue is close to her heart, she needs to re-examine reality and what works and what does not. If not for her own kids, then for the rest of Alaska's kids.

No offense taken. Like Sarah, I think parents should take the lead in sex education for their children. I also think because a number of parents do NOT take the initiative in this area, they should give signed permission for it to be taught to their children by quaified sex education teachers.

I also believe in the MANDATORY teaching of ethics and personal accountability from pre-school on up.

On the subject of REALITY and TEENS, I DO know that no matter what is taught or by whom, teens are sometimes governed by raging hormones and make mistakes. I am very glad that Bristol Palin, her fiance and both families are supportive of their children during this time in their lives.
Josie smile