To Lola: Thanks so much for presenting the text of Governor Palin's historic speech. She radiated leadership and confidence in her support of John McCain and much needed Washington insider government reform. Her qualifications, especially in the field of energy and balancing a state budget, give her a huge leg up on the top of the opposing ticket.

This morning, the evening anchors of ABC, NBC, and CBS said together in an interview, they are justified in asking Governor Palin questions of a personal nature, since they consider it part of the political landscape as brought on by bloggers and other media sources. Yet you do not hear them asking Biden about his son and brother regarding charges they are dealing with. You do not hear them asking Biden about his 30+ years in Washington. You do not hear them doing really intense questioning of Obama about his 20 year personal mentor/friendship with racist Wright, domestic terrorist bomber Ayers, or the affiliation between Obama and Resko. You do not hear them asking Obama how he can be a parent and still run for the nation's highest office. And they suppressed the John Edwards cheating on his dying wife scandal WHILE he was running for President.

This week, "US" magazine is presenting a cover story and headline on Governor Palin which is despicable. Yet CBS, NBC, and ABC are not reporting it as sexism at its worst. By the way, "US" magazine is owned by "Rolling Stone" Magazine which heavily supports Barack Obama.

We boomers are not stupid. We see what is happening. The supposed people of "choice" have decided to destroy a woman who made many choices different from them.

I think they did not count on a formidable down-to-earth unpretentious woman who can hold her own in such a situation.

There may be a strong backlash against those who only support women in power who think THEIR way.

Like most women of today, I am not pigeon-holed into thinking any one way. Which is why I am a strong independent. I vote any party who has a candidate I believe in.

And I now believe far more can be achieved for the American people by leader John McCain and maverick Sarah Palin. My Democratic husband, who did not support Bush, said he will vote McCain/Palin as the REAL candidates for change.
Josie smile