I, too, am looking forward to hearing more about the Republican platform, and I am quite excited (first time in years) about the VP candidate, GOVERNOR Sarah Palin.

As an Independent, I have voted both sides of the aisle. I do not like Obama for several reasons, and was disappointed when the very capable Hillary Clinton bowed to her party's wishes by supporting Obama in order to secure a future national nomination. (She obviously does not like Barack and said several times he is not qualified to be President.)

I'm so looking forward to hearing from GOVERNOR Palin, who seems to know much more about REAL people issues than Washington insiders. Senator Biden lives near me, and I feel there are reasons why both his Presidential bids failed. He spent over 30 years in Washington and he fits in with the "good old boys club" quite well.

Time and time again, McCain/Palin seem to reflect people interests over party interests. I like that. It's new and different. I want to hear more from them.
Josie smile