Meredith, I love that you love lizards. They are gentle creatures unless of course a member of the Cumotto Dragons in the Phillipines that are now eating the villagers, NO KIDDING...

The villagers won't kill them because they worship them for some unknown reason, and over time they have multiplied and are now eating their worshipers, NO kidding, this is a fact I read in a magazine while waiting for my hair to dry in the beauty salon. Two of these 40 pound dragons walked right into a village school and grabbed and ate a 7 year old child. Its time to start erraticating these ugly, dangerous beasts now!!! Worship, my Aunt FANNY!!!

Oh and JJ, to get your goat, the aligators now won't float, take note, on their teeth we've added a coat of rubber to protect visitors to your moat...
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