What the $^%#&* happened while I was working today? Have you broads gone nuts?

Now line up, every one of ya...<Queen shakes head right and left in utter disgust>. I swear, I have to do everything around here.

Now listen up you panny waist. Noooooobody is going near the moat. Got it? Noooooooobody is going to have a float, an oak boat, or a smoke. Not on my watch!

GIMS! Pay attention when I talk to you. And for Pete's sake, quit that infernal giggling!

Eagle, put that squirrel down this instant. You don't know where it's been! Good grief...

I-ya-ya...Chick...stop making faces at the alligators and hand over those boxes of bubble bath this minute! Come on...all of um. Annnnnnnd the bubble gum....Not funny.

Where did the rest of um go. Meredith, I know...I know...but whatcha gonna do with them, eh? Sigh...<Meredith pats the Queen on the pat as if to say, it will be alright>.

Now---last chance...which one of you yahoos phoned the local dentist office and ordered root canals for the alligators. Again...not funny.

High on fellowship my arse....thattttt ain't what it is!

I ought a---I ought---oh never mind...<Queen throws up hands and leaves for the Doo Drop Inn...sighs could be heard throughout the village. Laughter could be heard among the heatherns>