Ah, but JJ, I've learned how to speak alligatorese. Well, not exactly, but I do speak squirrelese, so how much harder can it be to speak alligatorese?!

Do alligators like walnuts?

Hmmm, me thinks the alligator would probably rather have the walnuts INSIDE of the squirrel. My poor little prodigal squirrel! Nope, no way - I've just decided that I'm definitely not into moating...even if Daniel DID survive the lion's den, methinks JJ's moat would have made a better story (no offense, God, just kidding).

Anyway, I prefer to eat than to be eaten.

Blame this entire post on too much MSG.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)