i am doing the often frowned upon but now becoming more widely accepted atkint's diet. i love it and am finding it very easy to do. i told my doctor i really did not care what his thoughts were on it because he was not fat like me and had no clue how i felt about being fat. he gave in because obviously i am bigger than he is and i was on a tirade. he told me he would perform the needed blood tests to be sure i was staying within the safe ranges for everything that could be effected by low carb diets. we smiled at each other and went on. i found after being on it for two weeks that i was an absolute carbohydate junkie!!! i am no longer a carb junkie. i don't think it is ordinary but in the first two weeks i lost close to eighteen pounds. i have been doing it for aliitle over two months and i have lost over 35 pounds. my husband likes me more. lol.... i don't care what he says. he has know me from size 6 to size 22... he can say it all day that weight does not matter. but i swear he likes me more. maybe it is just that i like me more!