Robert died at home - the home we had lived in since he was 6 - so when we moved I worried that we would "leave him behind". So one night I drove by and sat in front of the house and told him to "hop on" if he was still there --- the next morning there was my yellow butterfly -- fluttering around my carport -- so I guess he found his way ;-)

My heart goes out to you ladies that have lost your mom and/or dad. I'm lucky enough to still have both of my parents - but as they are in their mid 80's, I know its just a matter of time before I get "that" phone call. My husband lost his parents in the 80's and he still misses them so much.

I lost my second husband to a drunk driver on Mother's Day in 1976. I still feel a bit of saddness come May 9th -- and I used to wonder how his mom was with it -- now I know what it's like to lose a son.

Jim's mom and I seem to have our lives inter twined somewhat - she was my girl scout leader when I was in Jr High - I met and married her son after high school - the day he died I lost a husband and she lost a son. Then 25 years later - (Jim was 25 when he died) she buried her husband on the day my son died.

coincidence ? I doubt it seriously ;-) some people are meant to be in your path from time to time