wow, what to say? Eagle Heart, you have been a Godsend in helping me know what is going on. The moods do not last more than half a day and I know now to let them be and wait until this person is ready to talk about them. You have helped me not to smother and perhaps confuse the situation.
I am dealing with nothing like depression, I know how to handle that.
Gims, you make good points too! I can follow your example of how you would like to be treated when you are feeling that way and just listen when he's ready to talk.
It's not my husband that is like this, thank goodness, or my marriage might have suffered from me not understanding. He and I are the types to "think out loud," and discuss with others what is going on. Luckily, we do not have moods often where we have no idea where it is coming from.
Eagle Heart, you hit the nail on the head with the over anaylize in this person. He does that. He is overly intelligent and yes, thinks and thinks and thinks things through. He is also a worrier, is that common with long moods, (hours long.) I am a person who easily flows with what is and I do not worry as a rule. Of course I worry if someone is ill or such, but I am not a worrier by nature.
Where does worry fit in, Eagle Heart?
I've more to say but must wait as my son needs my laptop. I'll return and write more soon.

"Question your privilege"