Originally Posted By: gims
A question popped into my head today.
Is there a direct correlation between 'cheerful' people and 'mood sensitive' people and where their 'psyche' lives. By this I mean, are the psychic landscapes of the 'cheerful' people outside their heads, while the psychic landscapes of the 'mood sensitive' people are inside their heads. Question to the members who consider themselves 'cheerful':
Do you find yourself more involved with the external things of living vs. the thought processes involved with living?

Gims, I think that's a great observation/question. I think you're on to something. People who are predominantly cheerful do seem to be more able to "think outside their own heads", i.e., seem to be able to find their energy/motivation/joy outside of themselves. Predominantly moody people (whether positive and/or negative) do seem to need to introvert themselves in order to process whatever's going on around them. We all interpret life differently, and some seem to primarily macro-manage their emotions/life events, while others tend to micro-manage everything - I know my tendancy is to overanalyze EVERYTHING, right down to the choice of words and body language that someone has used and the ripple effect - or even the eschatological implications - of choices and actions. All of that goes on in my head constantly, though I'm trying now to pick and choose when to allow my mind to go through all the ramifications of any given event/choice/action. Hard, because it's so automatic, I can't always catch it in time.

Sometimes when someone perceives me to be moody, in my own mind I'm actually problem-solving. Some do it through painting or writing or in the board room, others seem to have to go and sit inside of their heads (and hearts) first.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)