I find it so, too, greene and EH. On top of it all, it makes me feel as if I have no right to be down because there is no evident cause. And, I've had many occasions when I realize I'm under a 'cloud' and I'm affecting the one, or ones, I'm with... this makes me feel guilty, because there's no defined 'something' I can bring myself out of - alone and/or through willing. And, the guilt compounds the issue. Best to stay alone and away when this is the case. Reclusive.
I've been with people who have interrogated me, loved me hard, coddled me, acted cheery to the opposite extreme, etc., trying to 'bring me around,' so to speak. More times than not, it compounded the issue, too. There is one person who I can go to (but they live out of state) who sits and listens, earnestly and caringly listens, does not pressure for more, and affirms my feelings. Here again, there is a problem. I hate being a burden, possibly affecting/altering the listener's place of feeling.

A question popped into my head today.
Is there a direct correlation between 'cheerful' people and 'mood sensitive' people and where their 'psyche' lives. By this I mean, are the psychic landscapes of the 'cheerful' people outside their heads, while the psychic landscapes of the 'mood sensitive' people are inside their heads. Is that a bunch of garble, or what?
Question to the members who consider themselves 'cheerful':
Do you find yourself more involved with the external things of living vs. the thought processes involved with living?
Maybe that's not the best way to put the question. Help, anyone?