Thank you all so much for the supportive words and prayers. It really means a lot to get that sort of support.

I'm the only sibling that's not in town with my mom. Even one of my sons lives there with his wife. They can all be together, but it's harder actually being far away. When we were together the week I was there -- visiting in the hospital, getting the news, crying together, planning the funeral, helping mom, going through Dad's clothes and papers and stuff -- what a trip that was! -- we all had dinner together every night, swapped stories and so on. Dad was a real racconteur and had some amazing stories of his adventures, many of which during WWII in Europe where he was a captain in the army. He was a fun and funny guy. Now I'm fascinated to learn about how people related to him. They were (mom still is) in a retirement community. Dad befriended every human he came across, from the receptionist, to the nurses, to the keepers of the little resale shops, etc. Everyone knew him and had their special sorts of conversations with him. Mom had no idea who many of the people were who showed up at the funeral. He used to visit folks in the convalescent wing -- he just went over and sat with them, some he knew and others he didn't. This is a tender side that he didn't show us very often, so it's really interesting to learn about it.

The other interesting thing is how they all support each other over there. I was saying to mom how it must be tough for folks there to suddenly lose someone -- and dad went suddenly. She said they get used to it and don't dwell on it. She also said "it's going to happen to you too!"

My parents don't easily talk about the spiritual world. I've talked with friends about God and death and the afterlife ever since I was very little. But my parents just don't.

So, my husband and I were getting ready to drive out there tomorrow, but now he's sick. We can't leave tomorrow! Maybe he won't be well enough to go at all, but I have to, even if I have to fly by myself! But I can't leave him when he's so sick!

To borrow a phrase from my kids: This summer sucks!