I totally understand you and the activity level difference between you and your husband. It is frustrating, all the logic as to why makes sense yet the irritation and let down is still there. My own DH is 14 years older than me and exibits the same SIT, TV, EAT, sleep patterns 24/7 home or on a trip. while I am geared to wide open full throttle LET'S Do Something of every waking hour. Give me a half hour break and I'm good to go again. I've leaarned to just go on and do as I please even if It's alone. If he chooses to sit, that's fine. I ask him to join me and if he won't, I'm out to explore life. I meet interesting people, sniff roses as long as I want with no one to tug at me to move along. In short, be my own best friend. When I'm ready to rest, he's there ready to listen to my day after a quiet day of his own. My boys are grown and not home, so I seldom have them to play with. We seldom get to vacation with them and not yet w/ our new DIL so that could prove good. We just returned from a relative visiting trip and while he was contnet to stop off at one aunts down the street from the other.. (w/ just his mom and aunt we'd just seen a month ago) and not go on to the other Aunt's till chow time, which was BTW where all the out of town relatives we've not seen in years were... I took off in a few minutes to the house with all the action! Learn to create you own happy. For me I refuse to behave old, too much life left to saddle up the rocking chair already!
Q~Ball aka Q~Ball101