I'd say try very hard not to give this guy the attention he obviously desperately craves. For some reason, there is this small crowd of college professors who are determined to seize the national stage by behaving outrageously. Yes, their actions are foul, but in the long run they amount to little more than a small child breaking something to get attention. A huge silence would be far colder to him than any protests, which will just feed his ego.

To put this in a larger context, there were times when good Christians had no trouble gassing millions of people or in forcing them to convert. Today such actions are more likely to be committed by Muslim fanatics. I'm not excusing any of it -- just trying to place it all within the big picture of history. For the professor? Well, if nothing is sacred certainly neither is he: what goes around comes around. Christians are always called on to try to live their faith to the utmost, and today is no different.