Mustang Gal...It's called tough love...Love being the main word...tough being the hardest. I know how difficult it is for you to make these changes and I'm proud of you for having the strength to do the right thing. He's 20 and hopefully he'll turn his life around. Let's pray he does. Keep us posted on how this develops. He's young and still has a chance...Robin is midway to 50 and is so cocky and set in her ways that we doubt there's any chance of her changing.

Robin was invited by me only once to our home...that was 4 years ago and before I learned how messed up she is...the other times have been because my MIL brought her.

My MIL told me the reason she brought Robin was because if her car broke down she'd need Robin there. (pretty lame since there's nothing wrong with her car, she drives all over creation without having Robin with her and she lives within 15 minutes of us and her other daughter who could aid her if she broke was just an excuse). I spoke with her as gently as I could but when she tried to cloud the issues with excuses I led her back to reality...she even said she forgot about Robin stealing from us and that she really didn't believe Robin would steal from us in our own home. (denial? out of touch with reality?) I told her we were not going to take that chance. Then I reminded mom that a year ago she emphatically stated that none of Robin's drug friends would ever be in her home...just last week this sleeze bag that Robin hangs out with sat down at my MIL's table and ate with them. My MIL denied that happening until I reminded her that she is the one who told me...she grew very quiet because she'd been caught by her own words. Then the excuses started flowing...there's always excuses.
I told her how much this has hurt Larry and instead of talking about Larry's feelings, she said...well, Robin cried for 3 hours. I was dumbfounded for a's always about Robin...didn't she just hear me say her son was hurting? Guess not.
She's a woman who is living with the consequences of not disciplining her daughter when it was she's saddled with Robin probably for the rest of her life which takes away time with her other children who would like to spend time with her but don't as much because of Robin. It's a sad situation all around.

Mountain Ash...I wondered last night if my MIL was thinking about anything I said to her...if any of it got through where it counts...who knows? Her need to take care of Robin will probably outweigh anything the rest of the family tries to show her. It always has.

All Larry and I can do now is to continue living our lives the way we were doing before this hit the's finally out in the open and there's no question where we stand on this issue so we're moving forward and hope that our lives return to normal.

thanks again for everyone's support.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards