We're heading to New York and Ireland soon, and wanted to see a show in NYC. My son and I (hubby's not interested) bought tickest for Wicked. As soon as I hit the "submit order" button, I had bad, guilty thoughts about how much I was spending.

Anyone who has purchased tickets to a popular Broadway show will know what I mean - we are spending $400 plus fees for these 2 tickets. Yikes!!! I keep thinking of all the other things I could do with the money, then I keep thinking that this is a once in a lifetime experience (most likely) for us and that we should make the most of it.

This is so hard for me, because I watch my money so carefully. But I'm also the kind of person that, once I decide to do it, wants to do it right. Hence, expensive tickets for decent seats.

Do you ever have these arguments going on in your head about spending money?