Dian, I'm going to check out the author you mentioned. Thanks for sharing.

Have any of you read Joseph Girzone's books? If not, please go to Amazon and read about them. They are life changing.

Joseph was a priest and left the ministry to write about Jesus...and boy does he know Him well. I was tickled to meet him at a book signing. He shared that his books are now being used in seminaries around the world to educate seminarians about the spirit and heart of Christ.

I started reading them years ago when I was reintroduced to Christianity. His books have educated me more about the heart of Christ than any other books I've read.

I highly recommend the Joshua Series, Never Alone, and A Portrait of Jesus. I've given them as gifts in the past. They are life changing reads!

Please check them out and send me an email if you choose to read them. I'd love to know what you think.

Smile, I think you would love reading his work while you're recovering. The reading is very simple, but extremely profound. The days will whip by. [Wink]