Hello ladies! How are you all? Hope you are all doing great...I am fine, getting stronger emotionally, physically and spiritually.. my girls are all fine. i admit I am in the "wait and see" situation now...i admit it is very difficult...i admit I still love my husband and I want my family to be whole again....i have realized our marriage is a sacred union, a commitment i made not only with my husband but with God....beside the fact that divorce is not allowed here in our country, i dont see it as an option...neither will I resort to church annulment (we were married in the catholic church)...aside from that, if Il be the one to file for it, I cant afford it...it is too costly here...about my connection or contact with him, the only thing I ask or run after him is his monthly financial support becos we are paying a loan which I cant afford to pay on my own...I am trying to stand on my own, providing financial, physical, emotional, material needs of our kids..it is hard but no complain or whining on my part becos the Lord is with me...i have decided to find happiness, peace and joy in my present situation now, having a good job, spending quality time with my kids, having family and friends around me, having friends here in the net like u...and i am not waiting on my husband per se, but on God's plan in our lives, if he comes back and we will be whole again, that's wonderful, but if he doesnt, then il accept and il be prepared for the kind of life God has planned for me....God bless all and take care