Welcome bekya,

Glad to have you here. There are lots of great people here that will help you heal and give you good intended ideas on how to help you.

It is so hard when a couple has marriage troubles. My father used to say it's hard enough in this world to work and be happy but when we are not having success in our marriage it is twice as hard to hold on and make it work. Sounds like you both are ready to end yours. So sorry to hear this.

I will be married 35 years this December and I tell you there were a couple of times when I thought our marriage was over. He cheated and it almost cost the marriage. Glad we worked it out. Don't know if your problem is such or other things, but since you are drawing closer to God, you know prayers will help you in your decisions. HE will lead you and help your mate to see things you can't.

I hope all works out for you. Will be praying for you. Glad you're here.
