I have two children.My daughter is our rock.Sometimes i feel I have to pinch myself at all she has become.At present she is in Geneva at a conference re.Childhood studies.She is starting her holiday there then kcicking off to Interlaken etc..She filters down all her vacation to us.Also gives talks at groups who look for speakers.She is all I could wish for.Beautiful inside and out.Gives a good food massage and makes coffee when I have just thought Id like one..
Now for my son..
He too Lola has been a carer here.His University finals had just finished when I had my hysterectomy a while back.He was 21 and cooked like a chef..made trays of tempting food.He was here last year between contracts when is Father took ill.Lifted him in to room..but after visitng each day at hospital he would do the laundrey..It was Feb. and winds at night dried the clothes .I still see him in my minds eye hanging pyjamas and towel (and panties) on the line.He would do every thing here to allow us to spend time at hospital.Then sit and hold his Dads hand .He saw to me his sister and his Dad.He has to work long weeks.but still visits.He is wise and again I have to pinch myself.
These children are ours.
Even my gynae/urology situation he takes in his stride.Never crossing a line between being caring or embarrased.My operation last year..he was here..breast scare also
its as if everything that really matters in life has been given to us.But the hand holding I stored as my jewels.

He bugs me...goes barefoot a lot in the house and garden..I dont like his martial arts..he is gentle and this sport would not be my choice.He unlike my daughter does not come to church.(he studied philosophy politic and media sand has a different slant on things.He is a seeker..like myself.

From him I have learned so much...From my daughter so much also.

Lola you have a good boy...and in our children we leave our testimony to every moment we Mothered them.

Wish I could visit you during this time at one time I would have but at present home needs me..

Lola all is well.