Wow...i'm a newbie and actually just google searched to find any comfort in the fact that my 19-yr old daughter is planning on moving to Southern CA in about a year. We live in Maine! She has a friend that she just visited there and loves it. Hates our winters and I can't blame her for that. I also can't argue with her since I moved 2500 miles away from my mom, to Texas, for 7 years! So it is coming back to bite me in the butt and I've already shed MANY tears even though it hasn't happened yet. I'm trying to be supportive and we talk a lot about it. My only wish to her was that she not go on a whim without preparation. I asked her to save her money and plan well so that it won't be so hard. Sigh....
This looks like a wonderful site so I think I will stick around as I am ALSO dealing with elderly parents who have been in and out of the hospital recently. What a roller-coaster of emotions!
Btw I recently turned 55.