AbbyK, first of all welcome to this wonderful site. That said, I raised two sons alone for the most part and they both moved with me whenever I had to relocate for my work. They both live in Vegas not too far from me and are married with kids. I rarely ever see them anymore. My youngest for 14 years now, he and I had a falling out about his use of drugs... My eldest is now driving an 18 wheel truck, criss crossing the USA and he is rarely ever here, but even when he was he and she were always too busy to bother with old mom. OH, I saw them but never as much as I wanted to. So whether they are here or there, it is of no matter because they will or won't see you according to their schedules, not ours. Be wary of the sarcastic remarks because they can and will come back to haunt you... Be happy she is healthy, hard working, intelligent and making a difference, not some drugged up loser lying in a gutter somewhere, it happens!
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