Awww Abby. It's not easy. I've gone through it myself. I have 4 daughters, all grown, the closest one is about 150 mi from here. For now, they're all in the same time zone, but that will not be true in the near future as on heads off to UNLV to teach.

It's true that they have their own lives and need to find their own happiness. It's also true that moms and daughters form a bond that is very difficult to break. I don't know how old your daughter is, but I've gone through all kinds of phases with my daughters...either they were rebelling, wanting independence, wanting the security of home, upset with me and their dad over the divorce or it was me angry and upset with them with making decisions that really I encouraged like going away to college or grad school or finding boyfriends or making their own lives in way to be happy.

I look back and think sheez...what goes around really comes around LOL. I went through a lot of the same stuff with my mom!! I remember her just being so angry with me when I moved away from our hometown. I only moved with my husband and family 2 hours down the highway but you would have thought it was a world away.

Do you and your daughter call, email, visit frequently?