Dianne, I know what you mean about the church singles programs. Deliver me from that. I really think they're just a place to put us single women and men so we don't 'bother' the married folks. I have been only a few times and Hated it. Glorified pick up bar. Never again.

However, I like to go to church on Sunday morning, but it is for myself, not really for God. I believe I can worship Him just by experiencing the joy of wherever I am, especially if I am in nature.
However, I also believe that my spirit, like my body, needs exercise and like with my body exercising my spirit is easier if I am with others who are moving with me.
I feel my spirit being moved in the singing and my intellect in the sermon so it's a good thing for me. Of course I have not been going since getting in this cast, but I will again as soon as I get the cast off though it won't be because it is necessary to get into heaven or even to please God who is probably happier when I find him in life wherever I am living it.